How CBD Interacts With The Endocannabinoid System

The endocannabinoid system (ECS) is a complex cell-signaling system composed of endocannabinoids that was discovered in the early 1990’s by researchers. The ECS was identified while the researchers were exploring tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is the main active ingredient of cannabis. Today, we will dive into what the endocannabinoid system is, and how CBD interacts with it. For more information, or to try our CBD products, hop on over to our website

What Is CBD? 

Before we get too ahead of ourselves, let’s take a step back and cover the basics about cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is one of the two most common cannabinoids produced by the cannabis plant. 

With the topic of marjiuana and the ongoing debate about its legalization in the United States, people often get confused about the difference between THC and CBD. We at Stone & Leaf are here to tell you CBD is legal throughout the entire country to sell and consume, seeing as it contains less than 0.3% of THC. 

THC, however, is the one up for debate. THC is the element in cannabis that has psychoactive ingredients that can cause cognitive impairments. While the recreational use of THC has been legalized in some states across the nation, it is still federally illegal. 

More and more people are experiencing the many benefits that can CBD provide and assist with, including: 

  • Reduced Acne
  • Arthritis Pain
  • Muscle Fatigue
  • Muscle Spasms
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Nerve-Related Pain
  • And Much More! 

There are a host of ways you can reap the benefits of CBD, including CBD capsules, drops, beverages, and many other CBD products. To experience the power of nature, head to our online store today! 

Now that we covered the basics when it comes to what CBD is, and the difference between CBD and THC, let’s get into how CBD interacts with the ECS. 


What Is The Endocannabinoid System? 

Keep in mind, the ECS is a relatively new discovery and is something science is still trying to understand and make sense of. Based on what we currently know about the ECS, here are the main components of this system: 

    • Endocannabinoids (eCBs) - You’ve likely heard of neurotransmitters like serotonin (which helps regulate your mood, social behavior, digestion, sleep, memory, and much more) and dopamine (the feel-good neurotransmitter), which are chemical messengers of the nervous system that are produced throughout your body. There are two eCBs that circulate through your body, anandamide (involved with appetite, memory, and more) and 2-arachidonoylygly (linked to one’s emotional state and cardiovascular health). 
  • Cannabinoid Receptors (CB receptors) - Seeing as eCBs are the messengers, the CB receptors are the guards posted at the gates, also known as CB1 and CB2. CB1 is important for brain function, while CB2 is essential to the immune system. 
  • Enzymes - Enzymes synthesize and break down eCBs to transform fatty substances into anandamide and 2-AG to build and recycle the eCBs in attempt to prevent them from circulating through the ECS indefinitely. 

  • Now that we understand the foundation of the ECS and the components within it, let’s dive into how CBD interacts with the ECS. 


    How CBD and the Endocannabinoid System Interact 

    One of the main ways CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system is through it’s interaction with the complex network of cells to help the body maintain homeostasis. Homeostasis refers to the stability, balance, or equilibrium in the body. In other words, it means the cells and tissues in your body are in harmony. When a health problem arises that interrupts homeostasis, the ECS releases the eCBS (messengers) to restore balance in the body.


    The endocannabinoid system essentially exists to respond to endogenous cannabinoids produced by one’s body. It has also been found that the ECS will also recognize and respond to eCBs from external sources, such as CBD. It has been shown that when this happens, a host of medical implications can be treated to a degree. Here are some of the potential benefits of CBD and the ECS working together: 

    • Inhibits cancer cell growth
    • Neuro-protective
    • Promotes bone growth
    • Reduces seizures
    • Relieves pain
    • Slows bacterial growth
    • And Much More

    As mentioned before, the research surrounding the endocannabinoid system and the effects CBD has on it is still being explored. What we currently know, however, is that the interaction of CBD with the ECS has shown benefits to common health problems that individuals face. At Stone & Leaf, we are committed to educating you about CBD, so keep checking out blogs for more useful information regarding CBD and its many benefits. 


    Experience Natural CBD Products Today

    At Stone & Leaf, we are committed to educating our customers about the authentic benefits of hemp-derived CBD herbal extracts. Not only do we believe in the power of nature, but we also believe in providing our customers with CBD products that are natural, ethically sourced, and high-quality. You can have peace of mind that when you purchase any product from us, you are receiving 100% natural CBD products that help promote individual wellness. Browse our CBD products today, including CBD capsules, beverages, topicals, tinctures, and much more. To learn more about our products, our brands, or the benefits of CBD, head over to our website. For any questions you may have, feel free to contact us today, we’re happy to help!